It will be of interest to know that we have, in the Gathas of Zoroaster, a five- fold system of the Beatific Union with Ahura Mazda, which corresponds closely to the yogic systems like Jnana, Bhakti ,Karma, etc., that we have been examining . We quote in extenso from practical Metaphysics of Zoroastrian scholar.


(b)          Gatha Ahura Vaiti – The path of Divine knowledge:


Look within with the penetrating enlightened mind and search out the truth for personal self so as to over power the base self and gross physical selfish egoism, akeen, by the evolution of the better and higher self, vahyo, and ultimately to realize the best, Absolute Being (vahisht Ahura), and the highest self, of Ahura Mazda or the Ultimate Reality of the Universe, Asha Vahishta.


The polarity of the “Better and the Base,” the primordial, spiritual subtlety and the grossest inerta, is created by the twin spirit forces: the unfolding (spento) and the straightening (angoo), produced by Mazda. Both the Life and the Matter produced by the harmonious coalescence of these twin spirit forces, evolve toward perfection by their related activity.


The above is the metaphysical path of spiritual Knowledge, as give by the Gath Ahura Vaiti (Refer jnana Yoga).


(i)                   Gatha Ushta Vaiti- the path of Love and Devotion:


 The path of Armaiti, Divine Love and Devotion, acquired by steadfast attachment to the Truthful Beloved Master Ratu Zarathustra. Considering the Beloved Master, connected with the All – pervading, Infinite Reality, as all in all, the alpha and the omega, the devotee remains detached from and unentangled with worldly attachments, and procures the divine love, which seeks and cherishes the Beatific Union with the All-pervading Reality after Creator Ahura Mazda.


Thus proclaims Ratu Zarathustra in this Gatha:


Thus Ireveal the word, which the most Unfolded one has taught me,

The word which is the Best for the mortals to listen;

Whosoever shall render obedience and steadfast

attention unto me, will attain for one’s own self,

the All embracing whole Being and Immortality;

And through the service of the Holy Divine Spirit

Will realize Mazda Ahura.

(Ha) . 45-8- Refer Bhakti Yoga)


(iii)     Gatha SPENTA Mainyu – the path of selfless service:


Selfless service is rendered for the furtherance,

Growth and benevolence of the entire Universe and all living being s therein:

The Unitive knowledge is best for men since their birth,

Let the selfless service be rendered for our sublimation.  

(Ha). 8:5)


we must sacrifice the finite self , ego or individuality at the altar of benevolent, philanthropic service of the entire Universe, in order to acquire the Infinite vision of the Unity of Life and the immanence of the All- pervading Reality through the worship of Ahura Mazda, the Creator, source, and Ultimate Goal of all.


The Gatha ends with the soul – strirring axiom of life:


The Most – sublimating, Ennobling will or volition is that of righteous service.

Which the Creator of the individualized existence culminates with the Enlightened super mind.


(Refer Karma yoga)


(i)                   Gatha Vahu – Khshetra or the path of self – Mastery:


By controlling the base mental propensities and mean tendencies of physical nature, through the sublimation of the volition power, aspiring to the Divine Kingdom of the communion of the All- loving and All- pervading Ahura Mazda, the self – mastery is attained with calm and composed mind.


The Holy Self – mastery is the most sustaining absolute sovereignty.

By introspecting worshipful service, it is procured in wardly through the All- pervading Reality,

O Mazda! Let us achieve that best now.


(Ha) .51: 1 – Refer Raja Yoga)

(ii)                 Next we have the Gatha of Vanishto Ishtish, which deals with the Path of self – sublimation. It consists in physical, mental and spiritual culture by cultivation of higher and nobler qualities of head and heart, in trying to realize one’s true self in relation to the Highest Self of Ahura Mazda, and in dedicating the finite self and relative being to Ahura Mazda.

The life on earth is a great sacrifice, Yajna (yagna) – the voluntary sacrifice of self for the well- being of one’ s fellow beings


It is in self – sublimation that all human endeavors ultimately end, and in fact, it is the objective to which all the paths as described above lead. Without true knowledge of the paths as described above lead. Without true knowledge of the twin spirit forces, the great cause, and selfless service, one cannot master the self – assertive self within him so as to rise above body – consciousness, and thus prepare himself for the spiritual path that lies ahead.


In Zoroastrian philosophy, the twin principles, or the “ Better and Base spirit forces,” is the fundamental law of the relative existence for evoution of life, from the grossest base to the better and higher stages of spirituality, right up to realizing the infinite goodness and supreme benevolence of the A bsolute Being Beyond them. With out this polarity of the Better and the Base, the best of the Absolute Beyond can never be realized and Impersonal Supreme Being cannot be comprehended:


Indeed unto one’ s self as the best of all,

The Self- Radiant person shall impart Self – enlightenment,

So that, O Omniscient Mazda, thou shalt reveal Thyself,

Through thy Most Benevolent spirit, and shall grant

The Blissful wisdom of the Divine Mind,

Through the All- pervading Reality.



In the Venidad, the supreme, the Supreme Ahura Mazda assures us, thus:


In deed Ishall not allow the Twin opposite spriit forms to stand in contest against the superman who is advancing toward the Best Absolute Being .


The stars, moon and sun, O Zarathustra, praise such a person;

I praise him, I the creator Ahura Mazda,

Hail of Beatitude unto thee,

O Superman! Thou who hast come from the perishable place to the Imperishable.


