Relationship between the three bodies and Five Koshas


The human body consists of three raiments: physical, astral or subtle, and the causal or seed-body.


In the physical body we have all the five koshas or covering, and that is why we, in our walking state, get some knowledge and experience of the five things: bliss, cognition (inner or outer), mindfulness (chit and it's vritis or mental modulations), pranic vibrations and the physical systems.


As one rises into the astral or the subtle body, one loses consciousness of the physical existence, while the soul mentally experience the rest of the four states, viz., bliss cognition, mindfulness and pranic vibrations.


As the spirit travels higher on into the causal body, even the mental apparatus itself drops off and only the Power of smriti (remembrance) remains, and it witness and gives an account of the bliss experienced in that state.

