Chapter XVII




  It is due to the evolution of past karma that persons with varying temperaments are blended into the sacred bonds of matrimony to clear off their mutual ‘give and take’.  All efforts should be made to achieve a serene and peaceful life by being respectful to each other’s viewpoints.  Loving politeness coupled with tolerance and trust goes a long way in over-coming much of the trouble.




  You are beginning to learn that things in life happen according to plan.  That plan is a direct result of reactions of ones won actions.  It is therefore stressed that one should act lovingly and sweetly so that further reaction is properly channelized, side by side with the liquidation of Pralabdh (destiny) Karmas.




  Regarding your physical difficulties, you know that all physical ailments are the result or reaction to past karma and must be borne willingly.  Yet much of the severity and duration is toned down by the loving grace of the grecious Master-Power working overhead.  The barest minimum which cannot be dispensed should be borne gladly with the aid of the gracious protection of the Master.




  Yes, the philosophy of karma has a specific place in the Science of the Soul.  But it should not induce morbidity nor create a sense of frustration among the initiates and non-initiates.  Man is the maker of his own destiny.  Though one cannot alter the past, he may forge the future.



  Ups and down do come up as a result of the reactions of one’s own action, past and present.  But they are passing phases.  They will come whether one is agitated or remains calm and cool.  Meditation in spiritual practices and love and surrender to the Master help to tone down their severity and duration and will produce strength of will to combat dirriculties cheerfully and calmly.




  The karmic debt of many an intricate nature is to be paid and it is proper that it should be paid while in physical frame so that there is no stop on the Way within.

  Sympathetic waves often draw the effects of the karma of one’s partner in life. Moreover wife’s and husband’s right or wrong love goes a long way to help or retard each other’s progress in the spiritual uplift.  This you witness in daily life.




  As regards karmas, you have discussed the matter in sufficient detail but it is like arguing whether the tree was first or the seed.  The more you will argue about the subject, the more you will find yourself confused.  Karmic reaction is a circle, whether good or bad, from which there is no escape, except as indicated in the small pamphlet Man Know Thyself.  I would, therefore advise you not to worry very much about the subject, but try to develop within, and you will see for yourself how the karmic circle works.  The why and the wherefore of all things will become clear as broad daylight when you rise into the causal plane.  In your probation period, you develop within spiritually and act as directed, living a loving and ethical life, trying to the helpful to others, as far as you can, and be selflessly devoted to your meditations.




  Karma and re-incarnation are closely related.  The question itself is so baffling that intellectuals having no knowledge of the Beyond have tried to discuss it with their own limited intelligence.  Just as spiritual knowledge cannot be achieved at the level of the senses, similarly this Law of Karma cannot be fully understood while living the life of the senses or until one transcends into the causal plane.  It is beyond the ken of human comprehension to know how the great Law operates and controls the destiny of all the seen and unseen universes.  The fundamental principle of as you sow, so shall you reap and every action has its equally opposing reaction works everywhere.  Human birth is the highest rung in the creation and it is the golden opportunity for realization of the ‘self’ and its reunion with the Lord overself.

  Those having been blessed with such a rare opportunity and are yet immersed in sensual pleasures seeking enjoyment in eating and drinking, which are definitely considered animal desires and passions, naturally degrade themselves and will eventually ride through the giant cycle.  Look to the animals who have their head downwards as Providence has made them like that and it does not matter if they feel inclined towards the lower pursuits and it does not behoove man, the top of all creation, to stupidly cling fast to the pursuits of the lower impulses.

  Sense-gratification is the greatest evil, which brings in its trail all the misery and sadness.  The cyclic order of creation works and evolves automatically.  The lower creation does not contract further karma but reaps the fruit of their past and as such, though the dogs and horses seemingly possess reasoning, yet they are bound by the great Law and are made to suffer in accordance with their own previous earnings.




  The apparent adverse circumstances which crop up as a reaction of past karma, on which this physical life is based, serve as a lever to raise the child disciple for spiritual growth and progress.  It is His rare Divine Grace that you are blessed with the rare boon of right understanding when you see everything in its right perspective.




  A man is not what he appears to be.  Everyone has his background of past karmas.  Your past karmas have now ripened up and the help is at hand.  Food is for the hungry and water is for the thirsty.  The reactions of the past lives karma are bearing forth fruit, and what you have been so far is the result of all that.




  As you have read in the brief description about karmas in Man Know thyself, the Pralabhda Karma is not touched and must operate during the lifetime of a person.

  Their severity and duration, however, is toned down.  If the Pralabhda Karma were removed at the time of initiation, the initiate would have nothing to give or to take and therefore no reason to remain in this world.  The other two kinds of karma are dissolved in the manner explained therein.  This is the Divine Law.




  It is true that laws of Nature are very rigid and any transgression must be paid, though their severity is, to a great extent, toned down at the feet of a Great Master.  Each one has to earn and cleanse one’s own vessel before it is filled with the blessings of the Master.  There are no windfalls, although the labour bears more fruit in the house of the Master.




  Your long search after Truth has led you to the Living Master.  It is due to the evolution of some rare good karma that one yearns for Spiritual Enlightenment and Providence has His own immaculate ways in guiding the sincere seekers to the right quarters.




  Regarding expiatory sacrifices, etc., please pursue the chapter of Karmas in the pamphlet Man Know Thyself.  Jesus came to awaken the ignorant people of His time, but they would not believe Him or His teachings of a higher life.  Jusus pitied them and took the burden of the sins of many who came in contact with Him, on His own physical body, through the Law of Sympathy.  He was above body-consciousness and allowed His physical body which is always perishable to be nailed to the cross and He transcended spiritually to the Higher Planes.  The people of the world who had their inner eye closed, thought Jesus was body only, while He was body plus mind plus Soul or Spirit (Christ-Power) talking through the selected and chosen Pole of the physical body.  The God.  Jesus was the Saviour of His time.  Those who even now the same Law exists—a Living Master is needed.  I trust everything is clear to you now.  Anyone who contacts and talks to the Master within, can see Jesus Christ through Him.




  it is due to the evolution of past karma that persons with varying temperaments are blended together in the sacred bonds of matrimony for the liquidation of their mutual give and take.

  It is incorrect to think that you have married a wrong person, as it is strictly in accordance with the Divine Plan that only destined people are married to each other for the karmic reasons.




  This present life is based chiefly on the reaction of past karma; therefore the vicissitudes that crop up are just passing phases for a better and joyous end under the gracious protection of the Master.

  The spiritual aspirants devoted humbly to their spiritual perfection undergracious guidance of the Living Master are blessed with the rare boon of general amnesty for their past karma, otherwise it would be abnormally difficult for them to withstand the strain.

   Only the barest minimum is to be borne by the disciplined devotees which is invariably flavoured with Divine mercy.




  After initiation by a Competent Master, one is assured of getting to his or her True Home.  Those who, after initiation, fall back to a sinful and evil life and are caught in worldly attachments, have to be reincarnated as human beings so that the progress on the Path may continue.  Those who have a ruling passion for and faith in the Master and are doing spiritual practices and have left all attachments of the world, are not to be reincarnated at all.  Their souls are placed in the lower planes where with the help of the Master, they work their way to progress ordinarily an initiate would take four births to complete his or her course, but it can be shortened even to one birth according to the degree of loving faith and obedience to the Master.  The Master is always with the initiates, working over their heads and He is not unaware of their longings and feelings, and He winds up their karmic load of debt so as to free them from the necessity of frequent human births.
