Chapter XIX




  Prayer is the salt of life and we cannot do without it.  It is ingrained in the nature of man to pray for the fulfilment of his wish whatever these may be.  More often than not we do not know what we may really pray for, how to pray and what we may do to make our prayer a great dynamic force as may stir up Heaven’s mercy.




  All the religions are in agreement on the point that prayer at the seat of the soul wells out all the latent powers of the Godhead within and one can achieve spiritual beatitude through it.  It is a connecting link between the Creator and His creation, between God and man.  It is a supporting staff in the hands of a spiritual aspirant and a pilgrim soul cannot do without it from the beginning to the end of the journey, for it saves one from many a pitfall on the way and transforms the mind through and through until it shines forth and begins to reflect the Light of the soul.




  Selfless service is a tonic for the heart of the initiate, who inculcates a deep sense of loving devotion for the gracious Master-Power.

  Prayer and effort go hand in hand.  The former grants an impetus for righteousness, whereas the latter makes the provision for such truthful living which is higher than Truth.  Regularity of meditations brings in all which is sublime and helpful for inner spiritual progress with the grace of the Master.




  The secret of successful prayer lies not so much in the words we use, nor in the time we devote to it, nor in the effort that we put into it, as it lies in the concentrated attention that one may give it at the seat of the soul so as to make it soulful.

  The most natural form for a fruitful prayer is the yearning of a soul without the agency of words, oral or mental, with the tongue of thought.  A prayer like this generates and releases such a fund of spiritual energy that all the Cosmic Powers are attracted, and combine together, shaping out things as best as possible.  A true prayer is one continuous process, independent of form, time and place, and leads ultimately to perfect equipoise and no desire whatsoever.

  This then is the climax of a genuine prayer and here prayer itself ceases to be a prayer and becomes a state of being as one gradually rises first into Cosmic consciousness and then into Supper Consciousness, with the Divine Will fully revealed unto him.  This is the be-all and end-all of prayer.




  Prayer is, in a strict sense, another name of collecting the outgoing and wandering faculties of the mind at the root of the mind.  Like the rays of the sun, these are spread out into the world, and likewise these can be withdrawn and collected at their source.  This concentration while begging for help is called prayer.




  Prayer nothing but a concentrated will falling back upon its source, the great reservoir of power, in which are lodged all sorts of possibilities—physical, mental and spiritual—and one can draw upon any of these according to one’s needs.




  In all trying circumstances, prayer is the last weapon in our armory.  Where all human efforts fail, prayer succeeds.




  I am sorry for your illness.  This usually comes as a result of the reaction of past karma.  Prayer and gratitude grant inner peace and harmony to with-stand the hazards of physical life, which is a passing phase of the soul in its long journey back to the True Home of the Father.

  You will please appreciate that it is due to the gracious Master-Power winding up the karmic debts and the best way for maintaining inner stability is to be patient and resigned to the Superme Will of the Father.  You should try to adjust yourself to the circumstances as best as you can.




  True prayer then is the means to concentrate the wandering wits at one centre—the centre of the soul—to gather up the spirit currents at the still point in the body, between and behind the eyes.




  Herein lies all worship, all prayers, all renunciation and all knowledge of here and hereafter.  The path to Salvation lies in the direct touch with the Inner Power rather than to get entangled with outward things.




  The loving disciple is always prayerful and repentent for his or her trespasses and lapses committed consciously or unconsciously during the day. 

  Prayer is not for outward show or a gymnasium, but it is an anguished cry of the soul, which stirs the Divine grace, and when directed and channelized smoothly works wonders, and the dear initiate is filled with awe-inspiring gratitude, with His grace.


