Chapter XX




  The soul has been imprisoned for ages and it is only through the kindness of the Master that it can be released.  There is no other way.  You are now on the way.  Spiritual meditation aids in inner progress.  This is the remedy for attachment to the world.  The more the initiates progress within, the less attachment they feel for worldly things in time all attachment will disappear with the grace of the Master.




  The spirit or soul is attached to the objective world outside, on account of objective impressions.  Unless the outgoing faculties are controlled and the spirit is depersonalized from the distractions of life, it cannot rise above body-consciousness.  In order to depersonalize the soul it is necessary to channel our energy inward and upward through the process of inversion and self-analysis.




  When you are at work, be completely absorbed in it, and when there is no work, do not permit your mind to wander aimlessly or to remain idle, for ‘an idle mind is the devil’s workshop’ as the saying goes.  You should resort either to the repetition of the five holy Names during all vacant hours of the day and night as well as keeping your mind in sweet remembrance of the Master wherever you may be, or in listening to the sweet symphonies of the melodious Word, if it becomes audible.  This will leave no room for idle thoughts and they will not disturb you in meditation.




  The spontaneous flow of trickling teas goes a long way in washing off the dross of the mind and fortunate is the eye that sheds these, for they leave unending trails of ravishing bliss and harmony.  It is the grace of the Master the He remembers His children and the faithfully obedient ones reciprocate His love and benefit from the Ocean of Compassion and Grace.




  Refer to your question.—Jesus Christ is within you.  You can never see Him outside.  If you want to Him, you should apply for initiation to Ruhani Satsang method of spiritual uplift.  You must also observe strict abstinence from meat, eggs and drink(alcohol).  If you follow these instructions and work hard to go the Higher Regions within, you will meet Jesus Christ there.

  Your idea of serving others is welcome.  First of all one must serve oneself and then others.  You are in the bondage of mind and matter.  You should has many coverings over it such as the physical body, astral body and causal body, mind and matter, etc.  So long as you are imprisoned in these bonds, what service can you render to other? One prisoner cannot liberate another.  The five passions are within everyone of us, and are robbing us of our spiritual wealth.  The way to become liberated form these fire robbers is first to receive initiation and then work hard to reach the Higher Regions.  When you free yourself then it is a real service to try and free others.




  The involuntary tears that flow down the cheeks in loving remembrance of the Master will wash away all the dirt of mind.




  Whenever you feel lonely or lost, remember sweetly the Master and invoke His help and if it is a time that you can sit in meditation, do so with love and devotion.  The true way to God starts when you rise above body-consciousness.  There is no other way.




  Great indeed is man.  He lives in a God-made temple along with God Himself.  His very spirit is just a drop from the ocean of Divine Life.

  Between God and spirit, there is no other obstacle but that of a veil of the mind.  If this veil were to stop fluttering in the breeze of desires, as it does at present, the spirit can take in directly the Cosmic energy from its very source.




  I am sorry for the passing away of your dear brother in a plane crash.  The major events of life are predestined.  You seep agony over the great loss your entire family has suffered is natural.  You should please be rest assured that the blood and near relatives of the initiates are granted feasible protection and help in the Beyond.  You need not nourish any feelings of sadness in this behalf, as such an attitude will not only affect your spiritual progress, but will cause disturbance to the departed soul.




  As soon as a person collects himself and focuses his attention at the seat of the mind, he stirs up the mercy of God which, in turn, fills him with a strength and fortitude never experienced before.  These enable him to find a way out of the difficulty whatever it may be.




  Regarding your experiences with dreams in sleep and on awakening, you are advised to ignore such experiences.  It often proves to be a delusion of the mind.  Spirituality is above all these experiences.  As long as the mind dominates, it tries to put the initition of the charged Names during all idle moments and keep themselves immersed in loving remembrance of the Master.

  Such a serene schedule will enable you to have a conscious and perceptible contact with the holy Shahd with the grace of the Master.  This constant contact with the holy Sound Current will awaken you spiritually and eliminate all fear.




  The obstruction caused by petty things during meditation might be attributed to your sensitive mature.  The reservoir of the subconscious mind is filled with worldly thoughts, impulses and instincts inherited from past lives.  This must be drained out completely before it can be filled with love and devotion to the Load-Master.  Reverential humility and self-abnegation are ennobling virtues.  The spiritual aspirants grow in Divine wisdom giving no credit to themselves as they revel in the superb bliss of Divine intoxication.




  ‘Work is worship’ and as such al honest work should be honoured and accepted in this sense.  The usual fatigue and exhaustion are the routine functions of the physical body, yet you can relax completely by fixing your inner gaze at the eye-centre, releasing the pent up tensions by rolling down all your worries and cares on to the holy Feet of the Master within.  You will find a radical change in your thought pattern and will be greatly relieved with the grace of the Master.




  The scattering of the mind can best be eliminated by looking intently into the middle of the Light and listening to the holy Sound current with rapt attention, as it is during the slackening of the inner attention that outside stray thoughts invade and cause disturbance.

  Spiritually-illumined souls do feel hurt at the behaviour of their less gifted brethren who cannot fathom the greatness of spiritual bliss granted by the gracious Master.  It is on this score that those who are not on the holy Path cannot behave properly.  There are ways and ways to point out shortcomings in others.  You must do this in a sweet way, then your words will go to their hearts and will bear fruit.




  Ethical life is a steeping stone to Spirituality.  Truth is above all, but True Living is above Truth.

  For spiritual progress, stillness of mind and intellect is most essential.  Any unnecessary wrestling with the intellect or free play of the mind retards spiritual progress.  Concentration means the control of mental vibrations, and may be obtained by attuning within to the Sound Current which is the Astral Manifestation of the Master-Power always present with you.




  I note your inclination for golf and cards.  The latter game is harmful and you have done right to discontinue it.

  Please stick to your resolution and forget all about it and do not dwell upon past happenings or try to recapture their past pleasures for in that way the mind is fed surreptitiously.  Besides you should resort to earnest repetition of the sacred charged Names with fervent prayer when and if you mind craves for it.

  Golf is a good game so far as its physical refreshing aspects are concerned.  It is a good physical exercise and if you can afford it, there is no objection to your continuing with it.  You know gambling or the like is harmful.  You will appreciate that the mind is already full of restless attributes—so feeding it with more of similar disturbing ideas will simply mean adding fuel to the fire.




  You ask about music.  Music is not necessarily bad for spiritual meditations as prayerful hymns sometime prove beneficial in awakening the inner impulse.  But outer music feeds the mind, whereas listening to the holy Sound Current fees the soul, with which it is surcharged as it enables it to have regular flights to the regions of the Beyond.




  Refuge in the holy meditation is the panacea for all ills and shall be helpful to you in overcoming the scattering tendencies of your mind.  You need not magnify the horrors of mind as it is the Spirit which enlivens the mind.  When the Spirit is vitalized with the Divinty within, it becomes strong enough to refuse the dictates of mind. The hearing of the Sound Current with rapt attention will bless the mind with untold tranquility and it will love to remain still at the eye-focus.  Please learn to be more composed in your meditations and await patiently to receive whatever is deemed fir and granted.




  the elimination of the ego is the only remedy for liberation from the unending cycle of births and deaths.  It is a clear test of those who have realized at-one-ment with the Everlasting Divinity, the spiritual current diffused in the world.  All labour undergone for total self-effacement is an effort in the right direction.  The secret lies in depersonalizing the soul of all that is personal.  The many recipes for losing the ‘I’ consciousness that floods the world today fail to gain for us the Goal of Liberation.  For with such method, the ego feeds itself and grows from strength to strength and is not effaced.  Unless be become conscious co-workers with the Divine Plan, we cannot become selfless.

  I am glad to note your earnest desire to become aware of the Truth and to rise into its full realization.  This is an awakening of the soul, which is the essence of God, into higher consciousness achieved through the grace of a Master who initiates a person into the mysteries of the Beyond by granting a link of the Light of God and the unceasing ever-present Voice of God, so as to travel, step by step, to the True Home of the Father.  I am glad that the desire from above is supreme in your heart, and you are willing to give up all else for it.  Those who yearn for it, get it.  There is food for the hungry and water for the thirsty.




  For arresting the flighty mind you are advised to concentrate completely on the inner Light and Sound during your meditations.  You will appreciate that such an absorption will cleanse the mind of its old concepts and blissful silence and calm serenity will reign supreme with the grace of the Master.  The mind should not be left vacant all along your waking hours.  It should either be attuned to the Simran of the charged Names in loving remembrance of the Master, or to the listening of the holy Sound Current.

  Such a sublime schedule of routine will keep it fastened and steady when you sit for meditation.  You will have much help and grace from the gracious Master-Power overhead.

  Your gratitude for the Divine blessings, in having been led to the protection of the Living Master, is notable and genuine.  Such an attitude will invoke His mercy.




  It is not the Light within that goes away but your mind gets down to the body and engages innothing what is going on in the body.  That is amistake which should be rectified.  The mind for ages is accustomed to staying outside and it takes some time for it to develop another habit, thatof going within to stay there for long periods.




  The soul is a prisoner and the Master is the Liberator and He works to that end day and night for the benefit of the initiates.  The Master’s blessings are always assured in overflowing degrees to the initiates.  He wants them to progress within in the least possible time and is happy to see them progress.




  Man is a three-fold entity, comprising body,mind or intellect and the soul.  We have done so much for the development or our body and intellect, but we have done next to nothing for the uplift of our souls.  By our physical and intellectual pursuits alone we are lost in the wildreness of the world with no way out of the bewildering labyrinth of the world.  We do not realize that we are living like a guest in the ‘ inn’ of the body and we remain intoxicated with the joy of bodily pleasures and the outgoing faculties,so much so, that we have lost all consciousness of our own self.  We have to divert outselves from all these and learn the nature of our true self inouder to be able to know God.  Happy is the man who awakens from the lethargic sleep or worldly intoxication.  I am glad you are becoming conscious of that condition and like to continue with your spiritual progress.

  How wonderful it is to surrender completely to One Who is competent and Loving, and to feel His life.  The more one is able to develop receptivity by keeping His Commandments, the more he or she is able to feel, retain and enjoy His grace.  The Master’s grace is boundless.



  In regard to the pure spirit becoming so wicked as to find itself in this awful condition in this world, this is more academical rather thanpractical.  From a pure imperishable region, souls come to lower regions clothed in a mixture of matter in varying degrees, and are governed by the Law of Karma, (cause and effect).  In the lower regions these souls may go up as well as down according to their behaviour.  Those who are well-behaved here, now is the opportunity for them to behave in either way, either to go up into the higher regions, or if the opportunity is not properly used to advantage, to face the opposite result.




  The casual spells of depression or discouragement should be avoided by sweetly reposing in His Will and Pleasure.  You should please note that it is the negative attitude of mind which often brings forth such periods of anxiety, resulting in vague frustration and resentment.

  You should always feel happy and contented while attending to your mundane and spiritual obligations as best as you can.  There is no greater grace than having been initiated by the Competent Living Master and enjoying His protective guidance at each step with His grace.

  The Sound Current, Soul and Master are all one.  Your growing interest in its listening brings you nearer to the fountain-head of this bliss.  It feeds the soul and strips the mind of its age-old dross.  Past karma is wiped out by its rapturous listening with the grace of the Master.  The initiates are invariably stressed the importance of listening to this Divine Sound so as to be free from the reaction of present karma, which they have to contract while meeting with their legitimate duties, in accordance with their fate-karma.

  The holy Sound Current growing more powerful at times denotes His constant protection to you and an invitation for proceeding ahead within under His guidance.  You should listen to it so devotedly that your entire self is merged in it and let it transport you into the Beyond to taste the Higher Bliss.




  Earnest and persistent efforts are needed for achieving better results.  Perfection walks very slowly, yet each right step is a forward one under the gracious guidance and protection of the Living Master. 

  Mind has its ramifications and it roams about.  It has be doing this for ages.  It must be chained at the eye-focus with loving and sincere efforts.

  It is not your karma that holds you back, nor is it responsible when you miss your meditations, but rather the treacherous misleading of your mind, which can be subdued and controlled by careful planning and execution.

  When you are fully convinced that the fountain head of peace and harmony is within and that you have the key and the means to tap within, you should not let the precious moments pass without deriving maximum spiritual benefit.  You are simply to decide and then act.




  In regard to your difficult in concentration which you say has increased since your initiation, you will be able to understand this from a parable narrated for your calm consideration.

  Mind is just like a horse tied with the fetters of matter and normally it dominates the spirit.  Mind being the agent of the Negative Power, is quite satisfied so long as one continues all efforts in its domain and does not resent stillness and concentration.  When the mind is attuned Within with the holy initiation the mind is attuned Within with the holy initiation from a Competent Master, the rope is cut assunder, and the soul is set free to travel back into the realms of peace and harmony, which are beyond the scope of the Negative Power.  So the impeding forces make a futile attempt to harbour the efforts of the spiritual aspirant, lest the soul is completely dis-encloaked from the bondage of mind and matter.

  The factors with which you are confronted are the normal features of a spiritual aspirant.  They work as  a blessing in disguise when one’s sincerity and integrity are tested at every step, and one becomes more from and resolute with the grace of the Master.

  You will appreciate that it is due to the overwhelming gracious protection of the Master that the child disciple progresses smoothly on the holy Path.  You need not apprehend it in any way, but instead, carry on earnestly and steadfastly.

  The God-Power that is responsible for everything must be understood, and this understanding comes only if one is able to know one’s inner self, the soul.  As the soul is of the same essence as God this may be achieved by experimenting is the human laboratory under the guidance of a Competent Master.  The disciple must rise above body-consciousness for this purpose.  As a scientist carries out his experiments in a laboratory under the guidance of a Science Professor, so the disciple in like manner, in the Science of the Soul, is helped by a Competent Master experience God in the laboratory of the human body and to develop spiritually from day to day.




  You will receive immense loving inspiration from the study of sacred books which carry the life-impulse of the Master.  Initiates should always repose their hopes and desires in the ever-present gracious Master-Power.  The Sound Current, the Master-Power, is constantly with you, and is your eternal companion.  When the Sound Current is strong, it reminds you that He is always with you, working overhead extending His grace.  Turn your face to Him and benefit therefrom.

  Spirituality requires simplicity and humility in all spheres of life, which will bless you with more of ravishing bliss, with the grace of the Master.




  Fear is not good and should be discarded by giving your worries over to the ever-present gracious Master-Power working overhead.  Fear is always based on some unknown apprehension and one should look at it squarely and then it will flee in no time, as it is a result of your self-created frustration.

  Loving humility and piety are the noble virtues which grant complete refuge to the child disciple, and help to face the hazards of physical life.

  It is the essence of right understanding to be contented with whatever comes as it is invariably flavoured with Divine mercy and is for our spiritual benefit.  Spiritual aspirants revel in this superb understanding.  Your brave and courageous attitude in meeting the situation surely will bless you with inner harmony and peace.




  There will be moments in the course of developing love for the Master when one, judging from one’s own limited understanding, doubts the validity of the Master’s instructions, but such moments are only tests to make our self-surrender more complete and more secure, and he who passes through these tests successfully, will one day radiate with the glory of God.




  Naam keeps the mind and body in a state or equipoise of mind are done away with for ever.  All lusts cease to have their hold on the mind.  The brain receives a soothing balm.  It puts an end to wasteful hurry, and with it go all nervous tensions, mental strain and stress.

  Naam gives one Immunity from all bodily and worldly pains and troubles.  By withdrawing the attention within, the mind is stilled and the soul is freed of all mental conflicts.  All sense of ‘ego’ fades into nothingness.




  Love for the Master complete surrender to His Will, have always been the reachings of all Mystics and especially so of Sant Mat.

  Your main task as a disciple and as an initiate, is to cultivate these qualities to the very utmost and leave the rest to the Master.

  There will, of course, be moments of doubt and of questioning, but if you can pass through them with your love and your faith unscathed, you will find the spiritual road within steadily unfolding itself before you and all things being added unto you.



  In your letter I note that you have an earnest desire for enlightenment and wish to find freedom of the soul. 

  Those who yearn for the Lord, arrangements are made in His Divine dispensation to fulfil those yearnings.

  Please study the teachings of the Masters in fuller detail and when you have so done, you may please apply on the prescribed from available from the Local Representative for the practical part, which is the linking with the Godly Light and the Heavenly Music within which is to be developed from day to day under the protection and guidance of the Competent Master.




  You will appreciate that it is the constantly agitated mind which interferes most with inner progress and the best way to enchain it is to bind it with some disciplined routine, which is conducive to regular spiritual practices.  It is during the sublime moments of meditation when the child disciple is attuned with the Infinite to benefit from the incessant flow of Divine grace, and it is then that the rare boons of right understanding come in increasing measure.




  To achieve a degree of self-surrender to the Will of the Master one must not look up to the deity in it's abstract form but in its human form as the Master.  For how else is one to know God’s Will directly in order to surrender one’s self to it?

  What one my take as an intuition inspired by the Divine may be really one’s own self speaking in disguise, and one may surrender to such seeming intuitions and therefore surrender to the ‘self’, the ego.

  However, if one has found a True Master (Who is attuned to the Lord and is His mouthpiece) and obeys Him in all things completely and absolutely, he will surely destroy the ego and reach his Heavenly Home one day.




  In this world difficult problems often arise.  The disciplined initiates are, however, privileged to view these petty affairs from high and lofty viewpoints of right understanding, considering them to be simply passing phases and thereby maintaining their mental equilibrium.

  Persons with weak minds get perturbed and cause further deterioration in their relations, whereas those who are wise enough to understand the basic cause of the difference, overlook such happenings.

  You need not magnify your problems but try to view the things from a high a dispassionate viewpoint, which will keep your nerves calmed down and others about you will be equally benefitted.

  The spiritual aspirants owe much for others who demand an actual and practical demonstration of Truth in their words and deeds.




  Human life is a great privilege with many possibilities to develop Good hood within.  To those who are earnestly yearning for the Lord, opportunities are afforded in the human incarnation to develop spiritually within under the guidance of a competent Master.




  There is no bar for females attaining Sach Khand as soul is eternal and there is no gender with it.  It is the conscious entity of All-Consciousness and merges with its Source in due course.


  I am glad the Christmas and Birthday Messages blessed you with inspiration.  The sacred teachings of the Masters are both simple and easy in theory and practice, provided the higher faculties of mind are harnessed for a higher sublime purpose.

  An implicit obedience and loving co-operation from the mind of the child disciple is of utmost importance, as all will follow automatically with the grace of the Master.




  Man by nature is a composite being, the component parts being body, mind and soul.  God made man after His won image and so the Saints instruct us: ‘Be thou perfect as they Father in Heaven is perfect.’

  Thrice blessed is a man on account of the immense and immeasurable possibilities that have been lodged in him by the Make.  The very Divinity, with holy Light, life and love, is the very soul of his soul.  But alas, what man has made of man, and worse still of himself.




  Mind runs away only when the gaze is slackened.  So please develop the habit of putting your heart and soul in the work before you; be it worldly affairs or meditation.  The habit of doing one thing at a time will help you to progress inwardly from day to day.  Master-Power is always with you and will be extending all feasible help to protection. In fact the Father is waiting with open arms for His child to come up to Him.




  The duties of the World have to be done cheerfully while one is one the physical plane.  However, the wonderful gift of God that the Master gives is superb and the more you practice it, the more you will enjoy it.  Necessary help and protection will always be forthcoming.

  Fixing the gaze penetratingly into the middle of what you see, will not let the mind scatter.  It runs away only when the gaze is slackened.




