Message on the Centenary Celebrations of

Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj


Dear brothers, Sisters and Darlings,

  May the grace of my Master be on you.

  I am speaking to you on the auspicious occasion of Centenary of my Master Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj.  First of all I have to tell you that such Personalities appear on the scene to guide the child humanity back to True Home of Their Father.  They are children of Light.  When They come, They given Light to all irrespective of the creeds and colour to which they belong.  They profess that They have physical bodies made up of the five elements but they speak as inspired by God.  They are as it sere, the mouthpiece of God—the unborn with no beginning and no end.  They are not subject to the Wheel of Birth and Death like all others, having identified themselves with God—the son and the Father have both become ‘ partner in life’ and become One—the Two in One.  Christ also said, “I and my Father are One”.  They come in the world, just as a Health Officer visits the prison, to look to the physical welfare of the prisoners, and he can send dick prisoners out of jail to be served in hospitals.  They work as redeemers and liberate the souls from the bondage of mind and matter.  They are not subject to the wheel of Birth and Death.  They are sent with a Commission to set the humanity free, irrespective of any case, creed or colour.  I remember, one night, the late Doctor Johnson and I both were sitting by the side Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj.  He uttered of His own accord “ When we come, we bring our own staff to work with us, when we have become victorious in one place, we are sent to the other side”.  These words contain the sun total of what He was, and the purpose of His Life and how such Divines manage the work of their Mission.  This clearly shows, He was sent by god with a Commission, and it is not the first time he was sent here, and that he also He always brought with Him the staff to carry on His work. Blessed are they who had the good fortune of sitting at His holy feet and following His wake—as also those who follow Him and His teachings—the Word-personified as He was-will succeed in achieving the object of man’s life to be attuned with God.  Moreover those who are working or His noble cause are his chosen few to carry on the work.  His work has not stopped, is going on and is flourishing.  He has sown the seeds, grown the plants and His ‘Vineyard’ has been passed on to flourish from day to day, in the shape of Ruhani Satsang, of which you are all members—labourers as it were in the Vineyard of God.  Blessed are they who are cooperating with them to bring forth fresh ones.  Mind that a tree is them to bring forth fresh ones.  Mind that a tree is known by the fruit it bears.  A Prophet is known by the followers who have developed into his perfection.  I appreciate the loving selfless services rendered by you all.  Let me congratulate each one of you for the work you are doing and wish you all, leaving all thought of personalities and egoistic self, to cooperate in promoting the Cause set by Him.

  The true celebration of a Master’s Birthday is to live up to what His ideal is viz., an ethical and chaste life, love for God and love for all creation and rising into Goc-consciousness in life and write the same practically in own lives.  Once one devoted follower was asked to write the life of his Master.  Years rolled by and the people asked him when the writing of the life history entrusted to him was to be completed, to which he replied, “ I am writing hard day and night to give the ideals of His life a practical shape in my own life.” Of course, the telling or writing of the true life story of my Master Sawan Singh Ji lies in practically living up to what He laid before us.  Pray Cod that I may be able to narrate and complete the true story of His life before my sojourn ends on the earth and would advise you to also follow the example being set up before you.

  God-Master sees all and showers grace on all who do the will of his Father.

  My best wishes are always with you all.


July 12,1958.                                                                                                                        Kirpal SinghisHHis







Christmas Message


Dear Ones,

  I join with you in your rejoicings on Christmas and New Year days and wish you to identify yourself with Christ so much so that like St. Paul you may be able to say, “ It is I, not now I, it is Christ that lives in me”.  Let you be perfect as your Father is in Heaven or Father speaking through the Son, and become conscious of becoming a vehicle of Him, as a puppet in the hands of God-Son and the Father—and be able to endorse that “I and my Father are one.” Please allow me to remind you to consider dispassionately where you stand in the realization of this perfection.  If you are far away from this ideal, pause to introspect and determine to apply a corrective from now on.

  May be worldly affluence has swayed you too much or you had thought the misfortunes have descended too quickly, which may not in reality be so, for ups and downs are a normal feature of life.  They come as a result of well planned Divine Dispensation.  So worry not if dark clouds are overhanging or wild rumours of universal destruction are set afloat where.  You have a clear way before you.  Your duty is two-fold—corporal and spiritual—as you have the linked and need to be performed diligently and lovingly without damping your enthusiasm in any way.  For to shirk one’s duty is timidity, to face it with determination is manly, to take the results with cheer is bravery and to adjust one’s life according to one’s environments is invigorating and peaceful.

   One can learn swimming in water, not on dry land.  You have to behave lovingly in all your affairs.  When you love God and as God resides in every heart, you love one and all.  You have to see Him in all.  In this way you will live in the world and yet out of it.  The fascination and charms of the world will not bind you.  The Master has shown you a way by example and precept—how to achieve his end, it is well within your reach under His guidance.  You have only to do your duty with love, faith and enthusiasm and rise into conscious awareness of the Great Power within you.  Now or never should be the motto.  There are no windfalls as a general rule.  You have to work your way up.  Every one reaching the top step has ascended the steps below.  But take it that you are not alone in your efforts, which at best are only too alone in your efforts, which at best are only too feeble.  You are under the protective wings of the great Master-Power always extending His grace and protection unknowingly and unasked for. He is always by your side.  You may stumble and fall, but His loving hands are always there to pick you up.

  Stand on your belief on solid ground.  Let not other’s wayward opinions deflect you from the True Path you are on.  Let not promises of glory by anyone waylay you.  Do not come to hurried conclusions, but use discrimination in all your undertakings.  Stick to what is Real.  With an ethical and loving background your spiritual success is definitely assured.  My love and best wishes are always with you in all your noble efforts and holy journey to your Home.

Kirpal Singh



