IN SCRIPTURES, we read that God is Formless. He sees

without eyes and does His work without hands, moves

about without feet and hears without ears.


He pervades everywhere, but cannot be seen. He is

beyond all thought, comprehension and apprehension.

Man with his limited intellect and finite understanding

cannot reach Him. How then can we see God and love

Him? Love and longing always exist between creatures

of the same class at one level. Birds of the air fly

together in flocks; and there is love between animals of

the same type, and they move about in herds. Man by nature

is gregarious and cannot but live in society with his

fellow beings.


Contemplation means concentration of human faculties

at one center or focus. But if the center and the focus

are not apparent and visible, how can there be any

contemplation at all? To satisfy this fundamental need of

mankind, Lord Rama and Lord Krishna (the manifestations

of Kal or the Negative Power*) had to come in the garb

of man and so did Master Saints who manifest Sat Purush

(the Positive Power) - Truth - the substratum of all

that is visible and invisible, the entire universe with

its grand divisions and subdivisions; right from Sach

Khand or Muqam-i-Haq to Kal Desh, the physical world,

which is subject to decay and death. A Muslim divine has

beautifully described Him:


If He is Khud-aa (Self-Moving God), let Him

come by Himself (to teach us).


* The same Power manifests in different ways to maintain life at

various levels, just like electricity which produces fire at one

place and ice at another.


In fact, He has to come down to the level of man for

then alone can man know of Him.


In the garb of a Master Saint, He works His Will by

giving instructions to the souls that long for Him but

cannot reach Him.


He tells them that He is not a physical body and He

instructs all the embodied spirits how to transcend the

limitations of the physical body, and by a gradual

transmission of His power, He pulls them out of the physical

raiment and becomes their friend and guide.


Thus the Formless has to assume a form, adopt a pole

for the manifestation of His Godhead, for the suffering

and helpless humanity; He tells us of our native worth

and how to regain the lost Kingdom, the Garden of Eden,

from which we have been exiled since the beginning of



God's power in fullness works at the pole of a Master

Soul and he may therefore be truly described as polarized

God come into the world with happy tidings to announce

God and God's Kingdom, both of which he says are

near at hand and can easily be gained by a little practice

in the right direction.


He who has known Truth is Satguru. In fact, Satguru

is Sat (Truth) personified. Word really becomes flesh

and dwells among us, and by his instruction and guidance

takes us along with him, until we, like him, become

Word, a conscious principle working in harmony with

the Divine Will on the Divine Plan.


Know ye for certain that Guru is not apart

from God.

Whatever his wishes, they are acceptable to


