ACCORDING to some religious traditions we are living in the Kali Yuga - the final age of development on earth.
People of all sorts and needs are entering society to make the final attempts toward Divine Realization. Central to
these efforts to expand consciousness naturally is the Guru.
The Guru is much more than teacher in our sense, rather he is "The Spiritual Father." This enlightened presentation of the Guru should clear up many questions which have arisen in the minds of those who have their feet on the Path.
One vital point for the religious seeker today is the need for a Guru. One might say that the "Inner Guru" is the ultimate refuge; why bother to search in that jungle outside for a Living Guru?
True, the Inner Guru is the ultimate refuge; but in our age we all too often find the inner world a confusing labyrinth while the external world is our familiar playground. It is for this reason, to provide pathways through this labyrinth, that this book is so vitally necessary for our time. We are here told how to find our way among the welter of teachers and sects to find the True Guru, the Sant Satguru - the Inner Light and Word.
Even for the intellectually oriented western mind, these discourses on the Guru enlighten us on one major mystery which the Christian Church finds insoluble. That is, how can the incarnation be both God and man? This problem is solved here and in a most universal way, clear and timely for our age, yet as an answer very ancient to India.
The universality of this message cannot help but be a benefit to our age and be the groundwork for a much needed universality in religion. I would certainly commend this to every seeker.

Department of Philosophy
Queens College
Charlotte, North Carolina
