

Gurbani is not something separate from Bani.  In fact the two terms are synonym.  Since Bani is made manifest by the Guru, it is very often spoken of as Gurbani.

Gurbani is Heaven's Light for the entire world and serves as a beacon or lighthouse to the people in distress.

In the stormy sea of life, Gurbani (Master's Word) is a powerful Lighthouse,

But one is guided by this Light only if so ordained.  *76

                                                                                   GURU AMAR DAS

A contact with the Master's Word (Gurbani) purifies the mind and body of all impurities, mental and physical, and leads to the union of the little self with the Overself.  Whoever practices the Word is saved from the clutches of death and regains the Kingdom of God.

In the treasurehouse of devotional practices, Gurbani is a peerless gem,

By listening, singing and practicing (Gurbani), one lives in a state of perpetual bliss.  *77

                                                                                            GURU ARJAN

Gurbani is Naad, the Anhad Dhun or the Sound Principle.

Onlyif it please Thee, my Lord, may I sing of Thy glory,

And within me shall dwell Thy Word, the fragrant Naam,

And the reverberationsof the Gurbani (Shabd) be heard in the four corners of the Universe,

And thus all be absorbed in the True Naam.  *78

                                                                                   GURU AMAR DAS

Gurbani is Naad, Vedas and still more,

Mind absorbed in It gets full satiation.  *79

                                                                                   GURU NANAK

O ye the beloved of the Lord, learn to know the Word of the Master (Satgur Bani),

Evanescent as the fleeting clouds are both the blooming youth and the aging body,

Death may come like a thief in the night; engage ye in the Inner Music of the Soul.  *80

                                                                                            GURU NANAK




