[Part One]


You will please realize that most of the time, we ordinarily are at the heart-centre and are therefore swayed by countless emotions, feelings and impulses of diverse kinds: likes and dislikes, preferences and perversions, prides and prejudices, senses and sensibilities, all of which, whether we wish it or not, keep us chained to the world and all that is worldly. We have, therefore, to be very cautious in training the mind in the reverse process – the process of inversion or tapping inside, by steadily developing the inner gaze with a loving longing for the Lord. He is within us and we are within Him like the proverbial fish in the sea. The apparent cloud of darkness that greets us when we close our eyes will gradually reveal that lining (because of the sun of spirituality behind it) and will eventually burst if we but learn to see intently and lovingly into the middle thereof. 


All action has corresponding reaction. An individual action has an individual reaction. Collectively people are asked to do ethical actions. This brings up good collective reaction. Reverse of it produces collective bad reaction. Nature has its own way of correcting and fulfilling reactions of individual good and bad action. Likewise collective reactions are to be fulfilled. One may not be able to truly understand the depth of these things for his perception and understanding is limited to guage these depths. Internal ascension into higher [regions] opens vision to see things clearly and how they happen. We should, therefore strive fully, honestly, faithfully and diligently to proceed within. Those who are earnest and devoted are crowned with success. Many things become clear which otherwise with all the reasoning and intelligence will be at best hazy and foggy. But to those who are regularly devoted to meditation in the accurate way their inner development takes them face to face to their Radiant Form of the Master within - in which God Power appears - who talks to them as we talk outside, guides them in all matters - when the time comes, for their leaving the physical body, He tells them that they have to go. There is nothing strange in it. It is every day happening. 


The principle of non-violence in military service should not be difficult for your reconciliation. The enrolled soldiers are not responsible for the execution of orders given to them during their war services, as they are simply carrying out the orders passed on to them by their superior officers manning the operations. The payment of taxes for military purposes is equally a legitimate obligation on the part of good citizens when they are called upon to do so by the civil authorities who are responsible for their safety and general welfare. You will please appreciate that none of the vocations usually stand in the way of spiritual progress, save some intentional morality, which becomes a source of bondage and contracting of Karma. Non-violence means to sacrifice one's own self if need be, for the good of others and not take life for the greed of ourself. It is an ennobling virtue, which means non-injury to the living in thought, word and deed. You will find a more exhaustive explanation on the subject from the forthcoming book entitled Karmas, which will enlighten your personal understanding.   


Yes, it is wrong to feed animals with meat by an initiate. It involves some Karma.   


Human mind is fashioned as such by Providence that when it is determined to follow its prescribed course all divine forces come to render you feasible help for the accomplishment of your object. Contrarily if one happens to stoop to the temptation the same forces take the reverse process with inevitable repercussions of shame and guilt.


The easy way to shed negativity is to avoid the company of such people. Whatever a person could be inside, he would radiate those waves no matter what his words are intended to convey. The company of good persons is helpful. Failing to get good and congenial company, one can restrict it to bare necessities and that too in an unacceptive way as far as possible. At all times during the day when one is not at work, which should be done with full attention, as work is worship, the vacant mind should be habituated to dwell sweetly in the      remembrance of the Master or listening to the Sound Current if it becomes audible at all times without closing the ears. Much of the unhealthy vibrations would be warded off. With a little self-discipline, things would become easier. You would be getting all the necessary inner help and protection from within.  


Too much talking dissipates spiritual energy. You should try to control your speech by  resorting to Simran of the names silently. Think twice before you speak. Think out as to what you speak is true, kind and necessary.   


(With regard to judging others.) Start adjusting yourself to their weaknesses, shortcomings either by overlooking or affording constructive help to them...If you think with a calm  and cool mind, you will realize that most of us have not become perfect as yet. Nobody        should therefore stand between you and the Master. A sense of close fraternity among the children of the Father will lead to inner joy and bliss, so sublime and serene in essence. When two lovers of the Master get together in His Name, they foster inner loving devotion and humility.   


All service that one does seemingly to others is to your own self. When you develop this attitude, you will develop a 'state of selflessness'  as you say.  


The guiding principle of deep faith and implicit obedience of the Holy Commandments of he Master is all what a disciplined initiate should relish. It ensures steady progress and smooth harmonious and happy physical life. Gratitude is the tonic for heart which grows in strength, valor and humility.   


If we give more value to a thing than it is intrinsically due, the fear of its loss will be  considerable out of proportion of actual facts. You need not worry about anything. Being under the protective care of the Great Master Power, you are really a blessed soul, having always at your disposal the facility of drawing on that Great Power. The way how to do it is        already with you. if you will just take one step, He will come down a million of steps to pull you, help you and guide you at every stage. You have simply to tune your receptivity to the fountain-head. The way to do it is to faithfully obey Him and devotedly carry on as enjoined.   


You will please appreciate that all are not perfect as yet, but those who had been privileged with sacred boon of initiation, and are meditating properly, with loving faith and sacred earnestness, have much at their credit spiritually. Spiritual evolution is something personal, and all dear ones are invariably stressed the importance of ethical living, in their own spiritual betterment. Those who abide by the commandments enrich their lives and become a source of help and inspiration for others. Whereas those who turn egoistical and denounce the Holy Path, are not left altogether, but are granted a long rope to reconcile and come to their senses at a later date. The gracious Master Power sees and is aware of every action,  rather, thought of the initiate, but awaits patiently for the right moment when he/she will   turn their face for help and grace. The law of Karma is inexorable, which demands liquidation of each farthing. Yet the initiates are again impressed upon not to look to others for   spiritual progress but the Master. None is perfect under the sky, except the Master Power, working at the pole of man -- it is the human element which is liable to crop up at times in uncongenial environments, which brings in dire sequences of degradation and retrogression. You should please be rest assured that Master Power will clear the whole affair.   


Humility is a divine virtue. Please refer to the small brochure "Seven Paths to Perfection" which will give you an exhaustive explanation of the subject. Your keen sense of selfless service is appreciated. It is a sacred impulse from the gracious Master Power when you relish to serve others. Fortunate are the chosen few who are blessed with this rare blessing and are made instrumental in the divine set up.   


Physical body is a precious asset granted to the human soul for a very higher purpose. All efforts should be undertaken for keeping it fit and healthy for meeting  with one's mundane and spiritual obligations.   


Hatha Yoga exercises are helpful for maintaining good health, but their undertaking without competent guidance  is risky. You may resort to some physical exercises regularly, which will bless you with good health with His grace.  


Chastity is a divine virtue. It is fruit of long cultivation. You a advised to avoid looking into the eyes of others, needless the opposite sex. As also you should keep your mind always occupied either by work, or by the Simran of charged names, loving remembrance of the Master or listening to the sound as coming from the right side if it has become audible. Besides you should shun any uncongenial company. The reading of obscene literature is equally harmful and  as such should be avoided scrupulously.   


Marriage is a sacrament and means the selecting of a companion for life to stand by in weal or woe. Besides it is in accordance with the reaction of past Karma when the dear ones are blended together in the sacred bonds of matrimony for the liquidation of their mutual give and take.   


As regards your marriage, you may please note that marriage means taking up a companion in life on earthly sojourn for weal or woe and both of the couple should reach God. It is no harm to spirituality if conducted according to the Scriptures.


The very many difficulties encountered by you should be sorted out carefully and placed in order of priority. You can forget all about the past and work in the living  present by careful planning and execution. Every day brings in ample chances for success and spiritual progress. If you will make the best use of present time, future will take its own care. My love and blessings are always with you both.   


Milk and dairy products are sattvic if taken in moderation, whereas the same becomes rajisic if taken in excessive quantities.   


You may make your own cheese which is all the more best. This controversy was brought to my notice sometime earlier by someone, who obtained the data of the ingredient of manufactured cheese, which contains rennet, but the quantity of rennet found in the finished product counted one to ten thousands of proportion, which is negligible. You may see for yourself if you can do away with it.


Children at the tender age of five or six can learn the technique of listening to the holy sound current, which can be granted by the Master. Adults of over 16 years of age can be initiated (both with the prior sanction). Disciplined parents bring up zealous spiritualists. There are various views about the entering of the soul in embryo during pregnancy. There are hundreds of  contacts, but pregnancy takes place only in rare cases. It is, therefore, quite rational that pregnancy takes place only when a soul enters the embryo. The soul has some consciousness in that and lives on the bliss of God afforded to him there; she loses that bliss at birth. 


If you consider that 5 or 6 hours sleep is not enough for recouping your spent up energy, you should increase it by one or two hours more. You should please note that when you are to retire for sleep, you should try to  relax completely at the eye focus, eliminating all     thoughts of the outside world or even body below, and retire in sweet remembrance of the Master. Such an attempt will not only bless you with perfectly sound sleep, but continues to recharge your physical system with energy and vitality. You will get up early in the  morning quite refreshed and recharged with the grace of  the Master. Please do not tax your mind unnecessarily.   


It is so good that you are conscious of the divine protection of the Master Power. Please refer to my Birthday Message since released (February, 1967). The humans are merely puppets in the divine hands of the Master Power. Those who merge their will in His Will enjoy overwhelming bliss in all spheres of life, with the grace of the Master.   


You should try to dissuade your wife from taking alcoholic drinks and bring her round with love and affection. Example is better than precept. When she will realize the virtues of abstinence reflected in your life and conduct, she will automatically try to follow your example. Whenever there is perfect conventional atmosphere and both of you are in good mood, you may impress upon her that through the grace of a Master she can drink the elixir of life, which is much more intoxicating and inebriating than the alcoholic drinks. Besides the spiritual inebriation is lasting whereas the alcoholic intoxication is only temporary. The spiritual elixir leads one to Heaven whereas alcoholic drinks pave the way for the blazing Inferno. Spiritual elixir leads to moral and social uplift whereas alcohol results in moral depravity and social degradation. I hope that by your own example and persuasion on the above lines, she will soon bid farewell to the deluded path and start treading the path of  spirituality by the grace of the Master.   


I am sorry for the passing away of Your dear father. It is the supreme will of the Lord  when all of us have to leave this planet in good time. Your sense of fortitude to withstand       the loss with the grace of the Master is appreciated. You will be glad to note that  the gracious master Power extends feasible protection for the blood and near relations of the initiate here and hereafter.   


The world and its glittering short lived charms fade away too quickly leaving a sort of emptiness. This void is to be filled with God's and Master's love -- sweet remembrance of the Master and living a life enjoined by Him will produce love and humility. So please carry on to your best with love and cheer.  


You may please politely request all the dear ones ccoming to Satsang that the young children who cannot be kept quiet during the course of  Satsang should not be brought by them. Besides, the mothers of the very young ones in laps who are likely to cry or cause disturbance should also be requested to remain outside the hall, especially during meditation period  when their young children will receive all the blessing of the Master Power even if they do not attend the satsang for the reasons discussed  above. And after meditation sitting, if they  ensure complete silence only then they be allowed to attend Satsang, or they remain outside. Howsoever, if you can manage to have all the young children kept together at some place outside the hall under the supervision of somebody there is no objection to  it. The silence and serenity of the house must be maintained carefully. I hope everybody will cooperate lovingly. Please convey my love to all the Satsangis over there.   


You can encourage the newcomers to study the books published from here which carry the life impulse of the Master and as such are highly efficacious in granting right understanding of the Holy Path.   


The dear ones (Satsangis) should inculcate and exhibit rare patience and tolerance so that others may know and see for themselves that they belong to the living Master. Your growing  understanding in this regard is appreciated. You should please follow the sacred formula:   when others err, we should learn. The books written by the Master should be read in the Satsangs, as these give a clear cut view of the subject, as also carry the life impulse of the Master and as such will bless the dear ones with right understanding of the Holy Path. Relevant portions of the books of other Masters, viz: Kabir, Nanak, Christ, etc., dealing with Sant Mat, Surat Shabad Yoga may also be referred to where necessary. Books written by other writers on these may be studied by you if necessary  individually at home, and not at Satsangs. Please  follow this scrupulously.   


There is no objection to your having a question and answer period for a short time after Satsang. Please note that the holy congregations should not be turned into debating clubs nor any controversial points should be brought in for discussion. Genuine inquiries  relating  to the holy Path should be attended to lovingly. The newcomers are welcomed to refer to the books and if necessary may be encouraged to write to me.


Please use good type ribbon and send in your letters preferably typed in double space which will facilitate smooth reading. Thank you.   


Please have more of patience and sobriety. Everything has its own time. My love and blessings  are always with you.   


There is no objection to your sharing the pieces of good advice received from the Master. (This in regard to collecting excerpts from N.Y. Satsangis letters of Master to share with one another.)