[Part Three]


The rocking motion felt by you during meditation shows that you remain conscious of the withdrawal process of the sensory currents from the body below.


As regards your (family) visiting you, you should be more careful and considerate about your spiritual obligations. You can seek their loving cooperation in this behalf in all politeness when they would feel obliged to accede to your humble request with the grace of the Master. Please convey  my love to them.


The difficulties experienced in regard to your withdrawal up to the eye focus and deep concentration will be overcome by persistent efforts. Please note that you are neither to watch the process of withdrawal of the sensory currents from the body below, not exert any pressure at the eye focus to attain deep concentration, but simply continue looking intently and patiently into the middle of whatever you see within, light or darkness. All else is to come of itself in due course with His grace. The stray thoughts intrude during the slackening of inner gaze and as such you should develop habit of staying with at the eye focus by loving devotion.


The images manifesting within are the result of some past thoughts which can be excluded by Simran of the charged names. These words carry the life impulse of the Master and serve as sure sheet anchor against the onslaughts of negative powers. Anytime you are overtaken with some horrifying phenomena, just give out charged names, you will be blessed with instantaneous help and protection.


I am glad to find that both of you are devoting time for your holy meditations with the result that you are blessed with the divine revelations of lights and holy sound current of bells, ocean roar, etc., as coming from the right side with the grace of the Master. These should be developed by more of accuracy and steadfastness. The sound current if becomes audible during Simran and vision practice, should not be listened and entire attention be devoted to the looking into the middle of light, which will grow brighter and ultimately open to give further way up. The manifestations of black space with golden sunlight has a deep significance. Please continue looking into the middle of whatever you see within and do mental Simran of charged names, very very slowly, maybe at intervals, so that the inner gaze is not disturbed. The charming Radiant Form of the Master usually manifests in the strong golden light and if it does appear, please test  its genuineness by Simran. If it stands before the charged names, know it for certain that it is genuine and friendly, which will be helpful for your inner journey on to the True Home of the Father. You should look lovingly into the lustrous eyes and forehead of the Radiant Form. You will develop receptivity and He will speak to you to your gratuitous joy.  The listening of the sound current as coming from the right side is equally important and as such regular time should be given for the same as well for ensuring steady progress.


For overcoming your difficulties in concentration you are advised to please relax fully, repose your aspirations in the Master and resign to His Will. All else will follow automatically.


As regards your query about posture as referred to in 'Spiritual Gems,' you should please sit in any posture most suited to your convenience in which you can sit for longer periods undisturbed, straight but fully relaxed. Sitting squat is considered most convenient and suitable for introversion within when the sole body is kept in a fully relaxed and straight position.


The inner experiences should not be divulged out to others as it affects inner progress adversely. You should be careful in this behalf in future.


I appreciate your solemn promise to meditate regularly from now onward. You should set apart some fixed time for meditations when you are quite fresh, free and buoyant and then stick to this sacred schedule with firm faith and determination. The precious moments of earth life spent in meditations are superbly best utilized and count creditable for inner spiritual progress.


You have not stated about your holy meditations as to how much time you are spending daily for both the practices of vision and audition. The meditations are highly efficacious for ensuring inner progress if undertaken correctly coupled with religious regularity and deep faith.


I find that you could not devote time for your holy meditations for one reason or the other. It appears that you are too much engrossed in outer pursuits. The holy meditations do not demand any extra ability but a receptive mind to sit quietly, with fixed gaze at the eye focus and do mental Simran of the charged names, and subsequently listening to the sound current as coming from the right side. It is so simple, rational and easy that even a lad can well understand and grasp its import.


Your complaint with the mind running wild is genuine and it will continue to trouble you unless you care to enchain it with the Simran of charged names, loving remembrance of the Master, or listening to the sound current coming from right side. This is the only and tried medicine. Leave all and follow the above injunction very carefully. You can expect positive results in a few months with the grace of the Master. It is the suppressed ego which does not permit the dear ones to meditate regularly otherwise if you can be friends with the mind by careful planning and right living, you will find that the holy Path is most easy, enjoyable and full of ravishing bliss and harmony.


Howsoever time factor is very much necessary.You must not be hasty but like an ardent student of art you should learn bit by bit, when you would be able to assimilate the rare gems of divine bliss and benefit from their rare worth.