All dedicated work is worship. You should accept any sort of work which suits your talents and tastes. It will bless you with wore of peace and harmony.  


I have noted about your mundane affairs for which you should please act carefully. You should try to stick to your job and work diligently over it. "Work is worship" and as such all honest work should be accepted and undertaken in all earnestness. You may continue to remain over there especially when the Satsang centre is established and you can help the sincere seekers struggling for spiritual progress. Just do everything as a selfless dedication to the gracious Master Power. My love and blessings are always with you.   


All dedicated work is worship. Great is man and Providence has blessed everyone with untold energy and strength which if properly harnessed can bring in desired results. Just learn to do one thing at a time and that is too with singleminded attention and devotion. Ordinarily the sun rays do not burn but when the same are passed through a convex lens, these become so powerful that they burn anything placed in their range. Similarly is the case with concentrated concentration which will enable you to progress in every sphere of your life including meditation. Please be rest assured my love and blessings are always with you in all noble undertakings and enterprises.   


You must work earnestly for your livelihood. Work is the grand cure for all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. Work is worship and as such, all honest work should be honoured and undertaken in a spirit of dedication.   


You should accept any job which comes your way and work on it diligently. "Work is Worship" and it is equally important to earn your livelihood by the sweat of your brow which shall accelerate your spiritual progress. My love and blessings are  with you.