Book Review

Compiled by Shilla A. Judd. Illustrated by Stuart Judd, Jr. Paperback, 66 pp., $1.10.

This lovely little book is a greatly revised and expanded version of teaching earlier edition, with more thought given to nutrition. The recipes –mostly main dishes and desserts, with a few soups and breakfast dishes –offer variety, moderation and balance, following the Master's teaching on diet. It is attractively printed in easy to read type, and the directions are clear and easy to follow.

The beautiful and appropriate illustrations by Stuart Judd, Jr., which are scattered limberly through the book, add greatly to the pleasure of using it.

Mrs. Judd has written a helpful preface, including a beautiful comment of Master's on “the moral duty of the housewife to cook Sativa food with the heart engrossed in the sweet remembrance of the Lord.”

No attempt is made to avoid chemicals, and little to avoid devitalized foods. However, the vegetarian who is aware of the dangers of these things can apply his discrimination and substitute more wholesome foods.

A few ingredients are used whose purity may be questionable (“noodles” usually contain egg, while “spaghetti” and “macaroni” are pure), and some which are obtainable only in certain areas. For the most part, however, the recipes are varied and interesting and generally useful. This book, the only one of its kind, should be a welcome aid to vegetarian cooks.

Judith Perkins
