The Path of Oneness

Remarks by Sant Kirpal Singh Ji


DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS:  I have to say a few words on inner concentration and connected thoughts.  To achieve eternal unity one must be able to get self-consciousness and try to recognize that great Power Who is controlling the world.  You all know man’s body is one and we believe that it consists of five elements and that there is a Power behind it Who is controlling all this system; so we must try to understand this truth and have the reflection of the Divine which is in man.


Of course, you all know that to get any fruit some labor is required, and to be self-conscious we must struggle until we get it.  We have before us many examples of our ancient leaders like Guru Gobind Singh Ji, and most of us are following their path; some of us have achieved something in this line.


It is very difficult for narrow-minded people to adopt this path and to meet each other.  We must exercise in the right direction.  The present urge for unity is a call for self-consciousness, and we must be eager to achieve it and share our good efforts to achieve it.  I stress that we must go ahead on the path of oneness of man which is the real path of God, and whatever differences come in our way must be removed in a coordinated manner. If you have faith in Him you can change your fate, as well as others’ fates.  My best wishes are there and I hope you will come to this conclusion.  Thank you.

